Well after two weeks in Ensenada the culture shock has subsided a bit. It is a new country and a new language for the most part. We have now been into town a couple times, we took the bus and cab combo, 8 pesos for the bus which almost takes us to the grocery/liquor store and with our supplies we take a cab home for about 80 pesos. The conversion rate is approx 12.50 pesos to the USD. The marina is a great place and it is warmer here and a lot cheaper than Ventura, and I have not seen so much security ever at a marina. We are still exploring our new surroundings, meeting new people, there are also a few other Canadians here and everyone is so helpful and supportive.
Diana got a new broadband wireless stick from TelCel which is the Mexican cell/Internet provider and again it works better than at Ventura, so she is happy and working away as hard as ever.
Manny and Lola made it here a couple days after us, they had an alternator problem which they had to stop and get fixed. They are only a few slips away from us. Manny made a trip back to Ventura to pickup their car and finish with Ventura West Marina. Diana and I made the decision to leave Ventura and give up our slip when we departed. Manny and Lola only decided to give up their slip about half way here, so they had to go back and get all their stuff, we took all ours when we left.
Here are a few pictures of our new temporary home, we are still trying to decide how long to stay, but it will be for a while, then we continue south.

The sunset from our boat

We are saftley proctected behind this rock breakwater

A picture from inside the breakwater

just another Pic from the outside looking in
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